Featuring Giannis— OIG Candidacy Short Interview

Support Giannis— Unaffiliated and Unbiased

Sukesh Tedla
WAX Galaxy


About OIG:

Office of Inspector General — A watchdog committee that publishes monthly reports recognizing the value WAX Guilds are creating for the WAX ecosystem.

It’s the 4th OIG Elections ongoing right now! As part of the election process, one of the three positions in the OIG team gets filled and the winning candidate will serve 18 months term as Inspector General(IG).

Candidate Introduction:

Giannis is 30 years old, from Germany and have been working as a freelance full-stack developer for the past 12 years. He initially started working in the advertising industry and over the years he worked with clients of all sizes, from the store next door to large corporations.

He is quite familiar with the challenges and the importance of user experience and the usability of applications. He would like to bring his expertise and experience in web development to help entrepreneurs, artists and game developers realize their visions on WAX faster. Especially on the front-end and user experience, he would like to contribute to creating standards & high-quality dApps that can gain WAX mass adoption.

We at the WAX Galaxy team put together some specific questions for Giannis to understand where he stands on various topics related to the OIG. Please find the answers below:

1. What brought you to WAX?

The first time I heard about it was when I was walking the dog and happened to meet a developer wearing a Diablo 2 shirt who told me about NFTs and passive income through gaming.

2. WAX Inspector General role is a very important position in the WAX governance model, what is WAX governance to you and what does this position mean to you?

Governance means to me to develop a framework to meet the user or participant’s needs with available resources as efficiently as possible and achieve long-term sustainability.

Especially when an organization or environment grows rapidly governance is indispensable.

My role as an OIG is to read from demands/requirements, propose solutions and evolve the OIG framework to fit future needs.

3. What are the different issues you have identified in the OIG framework so far?

Can’t answer that yet as a newcomer. But surely giving more voting power to money seems a bit off when even though it’s the stakeholders in an decentralized environment that account for keeping the blockchain running.

4. What is your stance on bias-related issues in OIG evaluations? Do you have any plans to avoid potential biases?

Natural preference based on a certain level of recognition, networking and qualification should not be prohibited. However, if an affiliation with projects that grants voting rights is recognizable, the guilds should utilize their voting rights and decide in the interest of all. In addition, I think it is conceivable that the nominees are previously reviewed by the guilds and approved by consensus, based on undesirable parameters.

5. How do you plan to improve the communication related to WAX Governance activities in WAX Community?

More prominently available information about the Wax governance, its duties, responsibilities and stronger involvement for users.

6. Do you have any specific proposals or ideas you want to implement to the OIG framework?

No concrete action. Since we can’t find a way to give every wallet an equal vote, the weighting of votes should be reconsidered. Also to encourage more participants to vote we should add more gov to community communication on various channels.

7. If you are to win the nomination for the WAX OIG, what should guilds do to stand out in your opinion?

Drive the development of wax through product development and open source. Also, they could help with reducing the friction when new developers are onboarded through more documentation and tutorials.

8. What direction would you like to see the OIG move towards in your opinion in comparison to the existing framework?

A more automated approach on guild ratings and to have the OIGs act as a layer of competence and mentoring.

9. Why should the community vote for you? — One-line pitch

I am unaffiliated and unbiased. You should not necessarily vote for me, but by all means, vote for the best candidate.

That’s it! Thanks for your time in reading the short interview! If you want to support Giannis, find the voting link below:


If you have any questions for Nathan, you can reach him directly on the following channels:

Do check out the other candidates here: https://oig.wax.io/candidates



Sukesh Tedla
WAX Galaxy

CEO and Founder of Unbiased, Regional Head — Swedish Blockchain Association, Blockchain Advisor — Zeptagram