Venezuela – Oil rich but cannot feed the hunger [Bigotry and power struggle in full action?]
Why is world closing eyes and looking the other way? Why is no one questioning? Is power and control so important than human lives? Where is United Nations? Is there no one to stop the bigotry of one country over other?
I am a normal citizen of the world who works hard everyday in building better applications and to solve issues using technology. I watch and read news everyday, I like to know what’s going on around the world.
I feel like we are all living in this fantasy, self-centred world where we only care about our happiness and well-being. But we don’t accept that, instead we live behind the screens of social media pretending to be someone else. I question myself “What’s wrong with the world?” and my girlfriend tells me not to worry.
In the recent times, one thing keeps bugging me what’s the reason for the worlds oil rich country to collapse and go into a crisis mode. And the other side, when the crisis is in the beginning stages bigotry came into play and making things worse day-by-day.
Why Maduro? Why? Why United States? Why? Why does the world keep looking away?
Is this what we do when someone is in need? Instead of showing a helping hand, we make them suffer until they break and follow our rule?
Today, I want to question the United Nations:
What are you doing? When a powerful nation is bullying a small nation with power and force? Why can’t the world help their economy grow? How can you sleep?
What price are they willing to pay for the greed of power and control ? How many lives? What is power and money when you are cowards inside the mansions built on common mans life.
If there is any self-conscience left. It is time to act. Time to change. Let’s stand together and make the change happen. Help the people in Venezuela. Stop another civil war!
No nation is bigger than people. No power is bigger than humanity.
#TimeForAction #TimeToHelp #StopBigotry #US