WAX OIG Elections — An Open Call to Guilds for Support

Sukesh Tedla
3 min readOct 15, 2020


Dear Guilds,

I hope you are staying positive and testing negative.

I wanted to reach out directly to each and every one of you today. I need your support, WAX Blockchain needs your support. It’s time to share your voice!!!

As you are aware, there is an on-going OIG election currently which elects the person who will drive the WAX OIG Governance Framework along with other members. Most important of all the outcome of this election has a direct impact on you and your team. I believe this is an important decision to make on your end and I know some of you have already done.

As a candidate in this election, I want to reach out to you, to hear your problems, to address your concerns, and to present my ideas & proposals that I want to implement if I get elected. With this article, I want to highlight a couple of things:

  • I heard from some of the guild teams and also the general community sentiment around the topic of a Guild being an IG. — So, as I promised in my candidacy proposal, Today I want to take a clear stance that “If I get elected as an IG, we(GreenEOSIO team) will cease our Guild operations”. I hope this will address your concerns about misaligned interest.
  • Many of you asked me questions about my TRL proposal specifically, I want to explain it a bit more in detail here. TRL stands for Technology Readiness Level which was developed by NASA in the 1970s. Since then it has been adopted across different industries to evaluate the maturity and usability of different technology solutions. This system is practiced today in the EU grants processing framework as well, where diverse applications compete to win the grants. I want to work with the other IGs to define a custom WAX TRL standard to evaluate Product and Business Development work by the guilds. This system can be built on top of the existing framework and can act as a template for all the guilds to follow while providing an objective evaluation framework. For Example: According to this system a product like Atomic Hub (or) Bloks.io (or) Anchor will be awarded the highest points as they will have a “TRL 9 status” compared to products which only share an open-source GitHub link.
  • I also heard from many community members and guilds that the current communication about WAX Governance has to be improved. So, I want to take this opportunity to promise that “If I get elected, I will coordinate with the community influencers (like Anders — Any Observation or EARWAX channels) to regularly share updates and insights about WAX Governance”

If you are still on the fence and haven’t made a decision yet, hopefully, this helps — Why should you support me compared to other candidates?

  • I am a passionate, young, and driven individual with leadership traits and a clear vision.
  • As an experienced guild operator, I possess first-hand knowledge and understanding of different problems.
  • I don’t have any personal favorites or direct or in-direct relations or partnerships with guilds. So the evaluations will be Unbiased and Fair.
  • I have laid-out multiple improvement proposals that ensure fairness and bring transparency & objectivity to the governance framework.

Here are links to the recent interviews I did with Anyobservation and The Crypto Pickle to discuss my candidacy proposal as well.

Finally, as a current guild operator myself, I know that you are the ones on the front-line ensuring the sustainability and growth of this network. So, if you give me a chance with your votes, I would be committed to addressing your problems and supporting your growth.

Thank You Very Much for taking the time to read this. If you want to support me, use the following link, and vote:


Have a great day!

— Sukesh Kumar Tedla

Office of Inspector General WAX io



Sukesh Tedla
Sukesh Tedla

Written by Sukesh Tedla

CEO and Founder of Unbiased, Regional Head — Swedish Blockchain Association, Blockchain Advisor — Zeptagram

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